After a week we changed the idea from three different ones to working on only kids and create an area that would spark young people to enjoy working with technology. Our first hurdle was coming up with a logo. At first we were thinking of just using the name RadioShack, but since that wasn't too kid friendly we changed it to TinkerTech.
After some tries, we were able to come up with a final logo Idea
After coming up with the logo, my team mates and I split apart the project so that we each had different parts.
I designed a pamphlet using elements from my teammate's design. (He made the robot mascot and the patches) This would be sent to parents, that subscribed to Radio Shack, to tell them about all that their child can do while at Tinker Tech. My teammates and I decided on having different classes that would show the children how to create the project of the month. With this in mind, I designed a box for the kits that the children would get. Each color would symbolize the level of the project.
After creating a box, I designed a cart that could be moved to each table for easy access. This would have wheels on the bottom to roll on the floor easier.